Illustration Friday Theme: Burst

if burst This is my posting for the Illustration Friday theme, Burst. The diver burst onto the scene out of nowhere. The cat eyed the man warily, as he looked like he might burst through the wall.


  1. The first thing that struck me is the disproportion of the figure that is on the outside
    but, then, looking fine details, I understand that there is a "game" of looks, which are the starting point for my eyes roam each of the spaces of your painting
    and you want me to tell you where my visual tour ends? in the clear sky on the horizon
    although the brightness on the cushion is so strong that would catch my eye ... but I ignored it :) I would not let him come into my mind
    I liked this!

    1. Hi Roberto,

      I'm glad you noted the size of the figure. I deliberately wanted her to grab attention - or "burst" onto the scene. Did she just dive from the roof, or are you viewing a scene on a big screen television? I hope you enjoy your weekend! Work well (on art of course)!

  2. Hi Ally, thank you very much for your comment!!
    Perhaps the road with poplars that you saw in NZ is the same that I saw. I have one of my daughters living in NZ, married to a New Zealander. and I was there last year. There are no coincidences? Ha Ha!!!!
    Greetings from Argentina!

  3. how are you, my northen friend? :))))) good weekend and thanks for stopping by!

  4. Thank you very much A.!!! :)
    I did not really want any more birthdays ha ha!
    I wanted to be 50 forever, but the reality is different.
    Anyway I'm happy.
    the idea of a man going through a "wall" was to play one more year is like going to something new, right?
    I'm glad you liked my little drawing. :)))
    Thanks, and good week for you!!


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