Illustration Friday Theme: Zoom

if zoom This is my posting for the Illustration Friday theme, Zoom. He gaze focussed on the scene like a zoom lens.


  1. Hi Ally.
    Again, the impact!!!!!!!!!!
    seeing your work makes my brain shake (to wake up)
    I think you invent colors that do not exist in nature
    This time, I think the great detail, is the shadows, which "takes off" certain elements of the background
    I always leave your blog with a heart full of satisfaction :)

    1. Thank you again! How do you know these colours don't exist in nature? Don't they exist in the eye of the beholder? Just like a man who is colour blind sees things differently from most people. By the way, I love your new avatar - it looks like a vintage French cartoon character to me!

  2. Hi, Ally, is true, if someone sees them, they exist.
    My avatar is a character drawn by the French Ives Chaland, a great artist that I admire.
    thanks for stopping by and leaving me your kind comment!:))))


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